2403 Allowing the access to the infected file without virus killing
2405 Denying the access to the infected file without virus killing
2406 No further checking of the file
2407 Denying the access to the file
2408 Allowing the access to the file
2409 Retry
2501 boot sector
2502 master boot sector
2503 file
2504 directory
2505 memory
10000 Message %T ID is not defined.
10001 Error code: %V. Place of the error: %P file %A line. Date of the last modification of the file: %T.
10002 Not enough memory. [%T]
10003 Not enough memory for displaying the error. [Original error: %T]
10004 Successful initialisation of the Message module.
10005 %T
10101 Logon failed to MAPI. %%d
10102 The message profile used for e-mail cannot be found, or %N runs as inappropriate user. Check the message template in the general settings.
10103 Error during sending an e-mail. Error code: %%d.
10104 Check the e-mail address, and the profile settings.
10105 Erroneous e-mail address in the %%s profile. Addressee: %%s
10106 Check the e-mail settings.
10107 Connection failed.
10108 Invalid name or password.
10111 Unsuccessful net message sending.. Error code: %%d.
10112 Network is inaccessible or not existing user's name.
10113 Late message. Type:%%d.
10114 Message arriving after stopping the module operation. Undeliverable message..
10115 Unsuccessful connection to the registry. Error code: %%d.
10116 Non-existing or invalid registry code
10117 Unsuccessful loading of the registry code. Error code: %%d
10119 Unsuccessful initialisation of the message module.
10120 Without the initialisation of the module it is impossible to send a net message or an e-mail. Reinstall the program or ask for help from VirusBuster. E-mail: support@vbuster.hu.
10121 The hook has already been initialised.
10122 Should the program be inoperative after reinstalling, please inform VirusBuster Kft. E-mail: support@vbuster.hu.
10123 The hook has not started.
10124 Vbhook.sys file cannot be found, or it cannot be started. Thus the program is unable to detect viruses. Check the general settings, or reinstall the program.
10125 Module having %%d code has already been initialised in the RPC.
10126 Please inform VirusBuster Kft. about the error. E-mail: support@vbuster.hu
10127 Module having %%d code is not registered in the RPC
10128 Please inform VirusBuster Kft. about the error. E-mail: support@vbuster.hu
10129 Unsuccessful initialisation of the Virus Policy Area modul.
10130 The program tried to initialise the module two times.
10131 Connection lost between hook thread and service.
10132 No answer from the module performing the checking of the files. The program can only be stopped after restarting Windows. If you cannot exit the program after restarting, set the type of VBSieldNT Service Startup to Manual in ServiceControl mode.
10133 Hook has stopped.
10134 Connection lost between the module checking the files and the program. Within a few seconds the module shall start again, until then the program does not perform virus detection.
10135 Critical error during the run of hook thread. Error code: %%d.
10136 The program is unable to detect viruses until restarting.
10137 Unsuccessful loading of VBHOOK.SYS file. Error: %%d.
10138 Without the VBHOOK.SYS file the program is unable to detect viruses. Check the path of SYS file within the general settings.
10139 Unsuccessful creation of hook thread.
10140 Unsuccessful starting of the thread monitoring the opening of the files. Without starting the thread the program is unale to check the files.
10141 Unsuccessful setting of the filter mask. Hook error code: %%d
10143 The filtering of the file operations of the program is impossible.
10144 Check the user's category and user's rights of %N service.
10147 Error during the establishment of RPC communication. Error code: %%d
10200 Missing or wrong parameters. %N /REG DOMAIN\USER PASSWORD
10202 Unsuccessful opening of the service manager. Error code %%d.
10204 Module name could not be get. Error code: %%d.
10206 Service could not be opened. Error code: %%d.
10208 Unsuccessful registration of the service. Error code: %%d.
10210 Hook request arrived to a used slot. Slot number: %%d. Actual file: %%S.
10211 The checking of the actual file is impossible.
10212 The thread on the %%i slot is timed. Actual files: %%S.
10213 The checking of the actual file is impossible.
10214 The service stopped in a wrong way. It can be restarted by switch /AUTO in the command line.
10216 Error during net message sending. The service has not right to send message to the %%s user.
10218 Error during net message sending. The given parameter is invalid.
10219 Error during net message sending. Message sending is not supported on the net..
10220 Error during net message sending. %%s user cannot be found.
10221 Error during net message sending. General error occurred on the net hardware.
10222 The machine has already been provided with a resident protection.
10223 The protection can only be started after stopping the other protection.
10224 Overflow of the message sending list!
10225 Overflow of arriving messages. No more messages can be handled until the already accepted messages have not been sent..
10226 Error during the initialisation of the SMTP module. Error code %%d.
10227 Unsuccessful connection to the %%s server, therefore it is impossible to send e-mails.
10228 Sending of a new e-mail failed
10229 Error during sending the e-mail.
10230 Sending an e-mail failed due to an error of the net.
10231 The addressee of the e-mail is missing.
20001 %USERNAME%
21000 Checking of the registration #%d
21001 Checking of the data base #%d
21002 Perodical message sending #%d
21003 Sending of letters #%d
21004 Processing of the messages #%d
21005 Delayed checking #%d
21006 Net message sending #%d
21007 Sending of SMTP letters #%d
22000 The starting of VBShield9x had failed with the error: %d